SUNREAL, connected sun serie is on PARIS PHOTO / BIT20 / RESEAU LUX
6 october – 8 Decembrer 2024
33 rue Rodier, 75009 PARIS
Sunreal is a photography series in which I introduce luminous presences that seem connected to other points on Earth.
This series, in line with the #sun project, aims to establish markers in space through digital means.
Like a cartel, the light I discovered in the Amazon, thanks to the project by solimanlopez with linacastanedas, resonated powerfully with all the sources of light I had encountered until then. As if this was the one feeding all the others…
Thank you to everyone who has accompanied me to this point.

La Biennale de l’image Tangible is exhibiting : Vidya-Kelie, Philippe Calandre, Francois Ronsiaux, Jean-Baptiste Perrot, Dominique Clerc, Nadia Rabhi and Vitoria Arhens.
Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 7pm
La Poste Rodier, former mail distribution centre:
30+32 rue Louise-Emilie de la Tour d’Auvergne, Paris 9
Free entrance
2-6 October 2024
Gaité Lyrique, group show, Refaire le monde, le Festival de la francophonie, curator Dominique Moulon
Cécile Babiole & Jean-Marie Boyer, Véronique Béland, Michel de Broin, Caroline Delieutraz, Pascal Dombis (La Fin de L’Art n’est pas la Fin, 2024, Photographie Joao Cazzaniga), Linda Dounia, Flore Eckmann, Mounir Fatmi, Thomas Garnier, Vidya-Kelie Juganaikloo, Eduardo Kac, So Kanno & Takahiro Yamaguchi, LAB[au], Lionel Maes, Rachel Marks, Yucef Merhi, Caroline Monnet, Tania Mouraud, Iván Navarro, Bertrand Planes, Julien Prévieux, Vera Röhm, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Sacha Stiles, Moffat Takadiwa, Ali Tnani, Bernar Venet, Filipe Vilas-Boas, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Brankica Zilovic, Fabien Zocco et Mathieu Zurstrassen.
Vernissage le 2 octobre : confirmez votre présence ici : vernissagefestivalfrancophonie@hopscotch.fr
Save the date -> PUBLIC WORKSHOP – le 6/10, 11h – Gaité lyrique
Save the date -> ROUND TABLE – le 6/10, 15h30 – Gaité lyrique avec Brankica Zilovic, Vidya-Kelie Juganaikloo, Pascal Dombis,Thomas Garnier ___ Langues, langages et imaginaires___ Gaîté Lyrique. Curator Dominique Moulon

Exposition ZOO
From 14 to 30 June 2024 //
On view from 1 July to 31 August by appointment // Opening on Friday 14 June, 6pm to 10pm //
Philippe Calandre / Dominique Clerc / Matthieu Crimersmois /
Bastien Cuenot / Nicolas Deville / Vidya Kelie / Nadia Rabhi / François Ronsiaux //

© Bastien Cuenot
We are not god I : « Les Astronomes »
Screening on 15 and 16 June with the OTOLOTO collective for the POUSH open days, Block E, 1st floor.

Round-table discussion « Corps célestes, Etres terrestres »
Colloquium by Manuela de Barros and Denise Twhaites. Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, 11 April 2024
Annick Bureaud / Natacha Duviquet / Baden Pailthorpe /
Inte Gloerich / Ania Molenda / Golnaz Behrouznia / Amélie Bouvier / Louise Charlier / Vidya-Kelie / Elise Morin //
Soloshow Exhibition “#SUN – A man fishing in a rowboat”
From the 27 Jan. to the 9 march 2024
Julie Caredda gallery, 4 rue de Miromesnil, 75008, Paris.
>>Talk with Dominique Moulon, le 27.02, 19h
Inspired by the Nepalese concept of “KE GARNE”, the transmedia artist evokes with poetic delicacy the splendour of tropism and the physical forces that weave social and atomic entanglement. She shares her reflections with art critic and digital curator Dominique Moulon, exploring their translation into the virtual universe.

>>DEEEP AI ART FAIR, Paris, du 22 au 25 février 2024
SENT are represented by Lebenson Gallery, London

#SUN is a digital pavilion at the Wrong Biennale, from November 1, 2023, to February 28, 2024.

Every second, people connected to the social network Instagram post new photos with the hashtag Sun.
#SUN is a work that exists between an emotional map and a real-time data directory. The photographs posted on the feed reveal the paths of a digital sun, making visible a new, unpredictable frenetic energy.
Curated by Dominique Moulon
The #SUNPATH series is represented by Julie Caredda Gallery

La topologie mise en Cage du Symbolique
#Sunpath serie exhibited, 1-3 dec. 2023, Paris. Curator Franck Ancel

The myriad of sunbeams #SUNPATH
is at META HAUS [ IN ] MATERIAL, from October 20th to 26th, 2023

The artwork SUN is composed of sunbeams, a vibrant tribute to this collective energy. As the pinnacle of the collection, these pieces, like jewelry, highlight individual connections. These suns represent formidable forces, a collective convergence of individuals meditating on the sun simultaneously.
They embody a remarkable power: individuals directing their thoughts towards positive aspects at the same time. Sustaining this collective weave is imperative. In this new interpretation, the Sunpath series in gold magnificently showcases the power of this connection.
#SUNPATH MYRIAD, A Myriad of 6 golden sunbeams
Brass + 24-carat gold #Sunpath XVI, #Sunpath XX, #Sunpath XII, #Sunpath XIII, #Sunpath VI.XXX, #Sunpath IV.XV
Width of each piece: 40 cm
Series of 3 copies
#SUNPATH XVI golden sunbeam
Brass + 24-carat gold
Width: 34 cm
Series of 8 copies
#SUNPATH XX golden sunbeam
Brass + 24-carat gold
Width: 27 cm
Series of 8 copies
#SUNPATH XII golden sunbeam
Brass + 24-carat gold
Width: 34 cm
Series of 8 copies
#SUNPATH XIII golden sunbeam
Brass + 24-carat gold
Width: 26 cm
Series of 8 copies
#SUNPATH VI.XXX golden sunbeam
Brass + 24-carat gold
Width: 40 cm
Series of 8 copies
#SUNPATH IV.XV golden sunbeam
Brass + 30-carat gold
Width: 40 cm
Series of 8 copies
#SUNPATH XV, Grand golden sunbeam
Polished brass
100 cm wide
Unique piece
Opening on Thursday, October 19
On the occasion of Paris + by Art Basel
Hôtel particulier / Avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris
Curated by Dominique Moulon in collaboration with JST or Janine Sarbu (collector) and Santiago Torres (artist)
Ankalab, Donatien Aubert, Sebastian Barrandeguy, Anne Blanchet, Thibault Brunet, Grégory Chatonsky, Marc Antoine Decavele, Félicie d’Estienne D’Orves, Pascal Dombis, Philippe Gourdon, Vidya-Kélie, Soliman Lopez, Dana & Stephane Maitec, Sandra Matamoros, Fred Murie & Flavien Théry, Thomas Paquet, Pierre Pauze, Sabrina Ratté, Galerie Charlot, Etienne Rey, Bruno Ribeiro, Diego Sarmiento, Santiago Torres, Miyo Van Stenis.
FORUM FIDIMA – MADAGASCAR, on Friday 29 September
Presenting her artwork SENT, Vidya-kelie JUGANAIKLOO will discuss her vision of digital space.
This piece of art is represented by the HARDDISKMUSEUM in the NON-BINARY collection.

10.40-10.50: Presentation of the digital work of Vidya-Kelie, award-winning Mauritian artist.
LE STUDIO, Recherche d’un espace symbiotique – Théâtre de la Ville, 1er et 2 juillet 2023
with Chaire Arts & Sciences with Polytechnique school and Ecole des Arts décoratifs of Paris
Saturday July 1: 3 pm – Sunday July 2: 3 pm and 4:45 pm
Théâtre de la Ville – Espace Pierre Cardin , 1, avenue Gabriel. Paris 8.
- Free event (reservation required) Invitation from Théâtre de la Ville below
Program and flight schedule for the Théâtre de la Ville
Arts&Sciences Researches – Useful Fictions.3 Symbiose(s) – Théâtre de la Ville, PARIS. 1st and 2nd July 2023

This third edition of Useful Fictions aims to explore the potential of symbiotic imaginations by devising technological and biological variations on the theme of the common, in order to grasp what is played out in the interstices and the transformative power of collective intelligence.
Useful Fictions will take place at the end of June on the campus of the Institut Polytechnique in Palaiseau, and will be followed by an exhibition-restitution weekend on July 1 and 2 at the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris (currently at the Espace Pierre Cardin).
CHAIRE ARTS & SCIENCES: Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, ENSAD PSL, Ecole Polytechnique Residency June 26-30, Ecole Polytechnique Paris – Palaiseau Exhibition-Restitution July 1-2, Théâtre de la Ville
ARTS & SCIENCES CHAIR: Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, ENSAD PSL, Ecole Polytechnique
Residency from 26 to 30 June, Ecole Polytechnique Paris – Palaiseau
Exhibition-Restitution on 1 and 2 July, Théâtre de la Ville
More infos : here
ARTIST TALK / AI / PSYCH.E/ Round table discussion by Véronique Godé. With Antoine Schmitt, Olivier Auber, Fabien Zocco, Magali Desbazeille, Vidya-Kelie.
Plus d’infos : vgode@artshebdomedias.com
NUIT BLANCHE PARIS – “Appels manqués sur un autel” exhibition – POUSH, le 3 et 4 juin 2023
“Appels manqués sur un autel” – Missed calls on an altar is a 3’45” video that evokes rituals around 4G energy and links beliefs and technology.
Exhibited at POUSH for the White Night on 3 and 4 June 2023.
ROTOLUX studio, 1st floor.
2-10pm Saturday
2pm-7pm Sunday

Programmation POUSH : https://poush.fr/fr/programmation
Artist talk and exhibition – Hôtel des nouvelles industries, PARIS, 1st June 2023

Pierre de confiance : http://vidyakelie.fr/en/stone-of-trust/
HYPERCODEX.ORG / ISEA 2023, 16 to 22 may 2023
HYPERCODEX.ORG will be presented from 16 to 22 May 2022 at FORUM DES IMAGES, 75001 PARIS for ISEA International

RDV here :https://isea2023.isea-international.org/index.php/fr
Maurice Benayoun, ORLAN, Dominique Moulon, Jean-Jaques Gay, Vidya-Kélie, Evgueny Chernichov, Golnaz Behrouznia, Yann Minh.
17 may 2023 from 16h30 to 17h30 – FORUM DES IMAGES, 75001 PARIS

Book here: https://isea2023.isea-international.org/index.php/fr/symposium-program
>>> NOW >>> L’OBS, may 2023, Ile de France supplement
A big thank you for this focus published this month in L’Obs supplement Ile de France 🙂 A wonderful analysis of my digital and interactive work #SUN is featured in an article about POUSH and its initiatives.
Thanks to Dimitri Robert-Rimsky and the Rotolux team.
11am-7pm Samedi 1 April
Artworks #SUN et HOPE MOTION are presented in the Atelier ROTOLUX

RDV here : https://poush.fr/fr
DALLOZ IT IP – Mars 2023
Thank you Stéphane PREVOST-BOYARD for this wonderful interview where I talk about the construction of complex forms that the imagination builds! Published in this month’s Dalloz! Enjoy your reading!
NFTs from the NON BINARY collection invited by HARDDISKMUSEUM are on display at the Utrasupernew Gallery – TOKYO
NFT – SENT by Vidya-Kélie
Sent.vidyakelie.com is an interactive digital website in which the user is invited to send a message and click on SEND. The work makes visible a path of information through a space with no other recipient than the one who writes himself, a self-contemplation of his own sending and on the traces usually left on the web like the debris of satellites around the earth. In a space that is not stored anywhere (see code on the site) here, Vidya-Kélie proposes a playground to practice, to make mistakes, to step back without the possibility of being judged, traced or analysed.
RDV here : https://ultrasupernew.gallery/tokyo/non-binary-pavilion-via-harddisk-museum-at-nft-biennial
To collect NFT >>> https://objkt.com/collection/KT1NDcnoraWgdGEoxhmZassJFim8WMAK4my8
The sculpture “#SUN – now – A dog walking with a man” is available here-> hello@54dunkerque.com
Untill 10 février
54 rue de Dunkerque, Paris 9, FRANCE.
On appointment or réservation.

Exposition collective avec : Pesce Khete, Gabriele Galimberti, Vidya-Kélie
More info : https://54dunkerque.com/art-mode-design-communication
My artwork #SUN will be in MICRO / MACRO, a group exhibition proposed by Galerie DATA
du 8 décembre 2022 au 07 janvier 2023 /
Galerie DATA, 26 bd Jules Ferry, 75011/
Vernissage jeudi 8 novembre de 18h

Avec : Olivier Bodini, Florence Cardenti, Julien Espagnon, Julien Gachadoat, Arnaud Pfeffer, Vidya-Kelie Juganaikloo, Soliman Lopez
More info : https://www.galeriedata.com
OPLINE PRIZE #14 awards ceremony
ORLAN nominates VIDYA-KELIE for this OPLINEPRIZE INTERNATIONAL Digital Contemporary Art Award.
VIDYA-KELIE receives the Public Prize ex aequo with Evgeniy CHERNYSHOV
The theme “Sublimation” was proposed by Maurice BENAYOUN, guest artist of honour.

More info : http://www.oplineprize.com/
HOPE MOTION and THE STONE OF TRUST are in Vivarium, a groupshow proposed by Plateforme
from 4 to 20 November 2022 / at the Plateforme gallery, 73 rue des Haies, 75020/ Opening on Friday 4 November from 6pm to 10pm. Sound reading/performance by Ludovic Bernhardt and Haythem Zakaria on November 4th at 8pm / The exhibition is open to the public. With : Karine Adrover, Camille Benarab-Lopez, Caroline.T. Bender, Luz Blanco, Nathalie Borowski, Stefan Brion, Philippe Calandre, Dominique Clerc, Vidya-Kélie, Éric Le Maire, François Ronsiaux, Esther Wuhrlin // |

More info : https://www.plateforme-paris.com/plateforme_2022/Exposition_VIVARIUM.html
Let’s vote!
Until November 10th, my project, supported by the artist ORLAN, is now presented in the prestigious OPLINEPRIZE competition dedicated to digital arts.
You can discover and vote for this project on // www.oplineprize.com //
SUN is a digital work that informs, live, all the “#sun” hashtags notified on Instagram.
An algorithm and an AI order an infinite trace linking the internet users to each other in a digital story.

crédit : muchimuchi
More info : http://www.oplineprize.com/
Vidya-Kélie is selected by ORLAN
For the Opline Prize 2022, ORLAN, the internationally committed transmedia artist and feminist working with her body as material, chose the work of Vidya-Kélie as a feminine and sensitive relay.
An inauguration cocktail will be held on Saturday 01 October at 6pm at the 17th arrondissement town hall for the Paris’s Nuit Blanche with a conference by Maurice BENAYOUN, ORLAN, Clément THIBAULT, Primavera DE FILIPPI and Jean-Jacques GAY.
Welcome to the event,

More info : http://www.oplineprize.com/
Hello everyone,
the exhibition at Symbiont Space has been extended this summer until August 14th!
So these are the last days to visit my work HOPE MOTION, this story of permanent movement that animates the world and turns into a magnetic Tango!
A lesson in humility generated by hundreds of people around the world who cry out for energy independence and who unknowingly participate in the frenetic dance of two magnets moving in their magnetic fields.
In order to enhance the exhibition with related exchanges, here we will discuss over a cocktail the notions of “Institutional VS Free science”.
At the closing, this Sunday, August 14, 2022, 21h, will be led by Roland Fischer this traditional ritual of Cocktail + Guest.
I hope you will be there!
Wishing you a nice summer,
See you soon!
More info :https://symbiont.space

Opening, 11th June, 5 pm Symposium, 15th June, 10am with Vidya-Kélie, Joana Moll, Shusha Niederberger and Selena Savic |
During Art Basel, symbiont shows two works on the nature of technology or techniques of the natural. Joana Moll’s work “Inanimate Species” reflects on the resource consumption of digital hardware and places the rapid development in the chip market in a critical relationship to the decline of biodiversity. Aesthetically, the installation is oriented towards insect collections in the cabinets of natural history museums. In “Hope Motion” Vidya Kelie lets the forces of attraction between two magnets perform a suggestive dance. What secret rules do the elegant movements follow – are there really only physics and chance at work?
hosted by Géraldine Honauer and Roland Fischer
Symbiont Space, Riehenstrasse 6, 4058 Basel | 13-19.6 June open from 9 to 12 am and 9- 12 pm, Coffee in the morning, cocktails in the evening, with invited guests!

Opening, 13th June, 7 pm Symposium, 15th June, 7 pm, Participation only by registration HERE |
Chain is a conceptual dialogue between Géraldine Honauer‘s work and the contributions by Vidya Kelie, Oliver Fuhrer and Johannes Gees, which she has brought together. The symposium provides a framework in which Honauer can enter the world of non-fungible tokens (NFT). In this context, Johannes Gees will install an NFT by the artist with the participants. Beforehand, Oliver Fuhrer will open his cloud models and measurement systems to the participants, contrasting physical spaces with coded ones. Furthermore, Vidya Kelie spans a luminous and energetic arc between two exhibition spaces with an interactive installation.
Büro International, Drahtzugstrasse 67, 4057 Basel / Daily open, 2 – 7 pm